Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sexy Is

Since I'm in transition right now and questioning everything and anything in life, I've been doing a lot of thinking about gender roles. What is sex (aside from the obvious physical/biological act meant to produce offspring)? What does being sexy mean?

Movies, advertisements, societal views, culture often dictate the way we think about sex. We're taught that to behave and look a certain way is "sexy" for women, and men must act and dress in a certain fashion to be "sexy" as well. I realized it's not easier to be a man than a woman, nor vice versa. There is a well-worn code and path of behavior for both genders. There is pressure to live up to this standard.

But maybe for someone, sexy is pole-dancing and strip-teasing, while for someone else, it means cross-dressing and chain-smoking(? Too much "Mad Men" for me lately, I suppose). It could be as simple as a meaningful gaze, a caring caress, or letting the layers peel away to reveal the playfulness and innocence of the inner child.

The way one dresses - whether or not it is considered "sexy" by societal standards - doesn't necessarily have to be a means to lure in a mate, a good catch. It can be a way of self-expression and means of sharing one's identity, preferences, and choices. Whether it is dressing simply or ornately, clothing can be a form of "hiding" oneself, or instead, a form of self-expression. I realized I can take two minutes extra to use clothing in a way that expresses myself, rather than hiding myself under an extra-baggy, nondescript sack.

It's about feeling good and not being afraid to feel good. It's about being comfortable in one's own skin. It's about knowing who one is and being unafraid to share that with others.


  1. "It's about knowing who one is".. i completely agree!!! Which is also one of very difficult things to achieve. I advice my younger brother not to worry too much about his grades or how he looks on the paper.. if he could accomplish one thing in college.. it should to know who he is and to be comfortable in his skin. I'm starting to look beyond the accomplishments of others and comparing myself with them. Life is a lot more easier when we focus on ourselves and smile at simple things.

  2. yes, definitely! i agree with you as well :)

  3. "It's about feeling good and not being afraid to feel good. It's about being comfortable in one's own skin. It's about knowing who one is and being unafraid to share that with others."--super like =)

    This is really random, but I heard from a classmate (a girl) that there have been talks recently among the guys in our class about how girls dress. Mainly, they are criticizing the 2nd-year girls for not even TRYING to "look nice", as compared to the P1 girls. I guess we are too stressed out with exams to care how we look. -_____- And you would expect guys in professional schools to be more matured than that.... Sigh~

    Anyways, HAVE A GREAT TRIP IN INDIA!!! Let's catch up when you come back!

