Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Tonight I decided I wanted something warm to eat, since the days getting chillier here in NYC. I popped open the box of Eden Organic soba I'd gotten yesterday at the "Food for Health" store nearby, which has shockingly cheap prices and reminds me dearly of California's health nut groceries like Country Sun and the now unfortunately commercialized and overpriced Whole Foods. I rarely use the stove in my apartment, preferring to just eat most of my homecooked meals raw, but today I boiled water, added the noodles, and stood around tapping my feet and wondering how long it'd take for the noodles to become "tender" (according to the box, 6-8 minutes). Finally, when the noodles looked appropriately ready to eat, I dumped them unceremoniously into a small bowl, added a dash of toasted sesame oil and reduced sodium tamari sauce (both also purchased from the health food store!), and settled down to eat.

And wow...it tastes exactly like what my mom used to make for me back home! It was hard to stop myself from inhaling everything all at once. It was like a blast of home and comfort and satiety.

Who needs to eat out when you've got this going at home?


  1. The most satisfying food are the ones that best remind people of home :)

  2. i want to go to this place and make this! i'm hungry!
